Driving Apprenticeships UK

Driving Apprenticeships

All you need to know about Driving Apprenticeships and how to build a successful career in the world of Driving goods vehicles.

Exploring Driving Apprenticeships: A Guide to Finding the Right Programme for You

Driving apprenticeships offer a unique opportunity to learn and earn while building a solid foundation in the field of driving. Whether you aspire to become a commercial driver or specialise in passenger or specialised vehicle operations, a driving apprenticeship can provide you with the necessary training and experience to kickstart your journey. In this guide, we will explore various aspects of driving apprenticeships and help you navigate the path to finding the right program for you.


Understanding Driving Apprenticeships

If you are new to the concept of apprenticeships, let's start by understanding what a driving apprenticeship entails. Essentially, a driving apprenticeship is a structured training program that combines on-the-job learning with formal instruction. As an apprentice, you will work alongside experienced professionals while attending classes to develop essential skills and knowledge in the domain of driving.


When you embark on a driving apprenticeship, you are taking a significant step towards a fulfilling career in the transportation industry. This unique opportunity allows you to gain practical experience in driving under the guidance of skilled mentors. It is an excellent way to learn the ropes of the profession while earning a wage, making it an attractive option for individuals who are eager to enter the workforce and start building their future.


What is a Driving Apprenticeship?

A driving apprenticeship provides individuals with the opportunity to gain practical experience in driving under the guidance of skilled mentors. It is an immersive learning experience that goes beyond traditional classroom education. Throughout the apprenticeship, you will progressively learn to handle various driving situations, understand regulations and safety protocols, and gain the confidence required to become a competent driver.


During your apprenticeship, you will have the chance to work with experienced professionals who will share their knowledge and expertise with you. They will guide you through the intricacies of driving, teaching you the best practices and techniques that will set you up for success in your future career. This hands-on approach ensures that you not only acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge but also develop the practical skills that are essential for a successful driving career.


The Importance of Driving Apprenticeships

Driving apprenticeships play a crucial role in bridging the gap between theory and practice. They provide aspiring drivers with hands-on experience that cannot be acquired solely through traditional classroom education. By immersing yourself in a real-world working environment, you will develop the skills and aptitude necessary to excel in the driving profession.


One of the significant advantages of a driving apprenticeship is the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals who have a wealth of knowledge and expertise. These mentors will not only teach you the technical aspects of driving but also impart valuable insights and lessons that can only be gained through years of practical experience. Their guidance will help you navigate the challenges and complexities of the road, ensuring that you are well-prepared to handle any situation that may arise.


Furthermore, driving apprenticeships provide a platform for personal and professional growth. As you progress through the program, you will develop essential skills such as communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. These skills are not only valuable in the driving profession but also transferable to various other areas of life. The apprenticeship experience will shape you into a well-rounded individual, equipped with the tools necessary to thrive in any future endeavour.

Types of Driving Apprenticeships

Driving apprenticeships cater to different sectors and vehicle types. Depending on your interests and career goals, you can choose from the following types of driving apprenticeships:


Commercial Driving Apprenticeships

Commercial driving apprenticeships focus on preparing individuals for careers in the transportation industry. This could involve operating large trucks, buses, or other heavy commercial vehicles. As an apprentice, you will learn about load handling, route planning, and navigating through different terrains, all while adhering to safety regulations and maintaining vehicle maintenance standards.


Commercial driving apprenticeships offer a wide range of opportunities within the transportation industry. You may find yourself delivering goods across the country, transporting passengers on long-haul bus trips, or even driving specialised vehicles like mobile medical clinics. The demand for commercial drivers is high, and this apprenticeship can open doors to various career paths.


During your apprenticeship, you will gain hands-on experience driving different types of commercial vehicles. You will learn how to handle various road conditions, including challenging weather and terrain. Additionally, you will develop skills in load securing and proper vehicle maintenance, ensuring the safety of both yourself and the cargo you transport.


Passenger Vehicle Driving Apprenticeships

If you envision yourself behind the wheel of a passenger vehicle, such as a taxi or a ride-sharing service, a passenger vehicle driving apprenticeship might be the right choice for you. These programs provide comprehensive training on customer service, route optimisation, and safe passenger transportation.


Passenger vehicle driving apprenticeships offer a unique opportunity to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. As a driver, you will learn how to provide excellent customer service, ensuring that passengers have a comfortable and enjoyable experience. You will also gain knowledge in efficient route planning, allowing you to navigate through busy city streets and find the quickest and safest routes.


Moreover, passenger vehicle driving apprenticeships focus on safety, teaching you defensive driving techniques and how to handle challenging situations on the road. You will learn how to anticipate and respond to potential hazards, ensuring the well-being of your passengers and yourself.


Specialised Vehicle Driving Apprenticeships

For those interested in operating specialised vehicles, such as ambulances, fire trucks, or armoured vehicles, specialised vehicle driving apprenticeships offer a tailored learning experience. These programs ensure that you acquire the specific skills required to handle the unique challenges associated with these vehicles.


Specialised vehicle driving apprenticeships provide an opportunity to work in critical and demanding fields. As an apprentice, you will learn how to operate emergency vehicles, responding swiftly and safely to various situations. You will receive training on advanced driving techniques, such as defensive driving and evasive manoeuvres, enabling you to navigate through traffic and reach your destination quickly.


In addition to driving skills, specialised vehicle driving apprenticeships also focus on developing knowledge in emergency medical care or firefighting techniques, depending on the vehicle type. You will learn how to provide immediate assistance to those in need, ensuring their safety and well-being.


Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Driving Apprenticeship

As you embark on your search for the ideal driving apprenticeship program, several key factors should be taken into consideration:


Your Career Goals

Start by evaluating your long-term career goals. Are you looking to pursue a career in commercial driving, or do you have a passion for passenger vehicle operations? Understanding your aspirations will help you narrow down your options and focus on programs that align with your interests.


For instance, if you have a keen interest in transporting goods and working in the logistics industry, a commercial driving apprenticeship may be the right fit for you. On the other hand, if you enjoy interacting with people and have a knack for customer service, a passenger vehicle operations apprenticeship could be more suitable.


By considering your career goals, you can ensure that the driving apprenticeship program you choose will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your desired field.


The Reputation of the Apprenticeship Programme

Research the reputation of the driving apprenticeship programs you are considering. Look for programs that have a track record of success and positive feedback from former apprentices. Online reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the quality of training and the overall experience of previous participants.


Furthermore, consider reaching out to industry professionals or individuals who have completed the program to gather first-hand information. They can offer valuable advice and share their experiences, giving you a better understanding of what to expect from the program.


A reputable driving apprenticeship program will not only provide you with comprehensive training but also open doors to potential job opportunities. Employers often prefer candidates who have completed reputable apprenticeships, as it demonstrates their commitment to professional development and their ability to meet industry standards.


The Duration and Structure of the Apprenticeship

Consider the duration and structure of the apprenticeship program. Some programs may span several months, while others may extend over a year. Assess your availability and commitment level to ensure that the program's time frame aligns with your personal circumstances.


Moreover, evaluate the balance between classroom instruction and practical training to ensure that the program offers a comprehensive learning experience. A well-rounded apprenticeship should provide you with a combination of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practice, allowing you to develop the necessary skills to become a competent and confident driver.


Additionally, inquire about any additional support or resources provided by the program. Some driving apprenticeships may offer mentorship programs, job placement assistance, or ongoing professional development opportunities. These additional benefits can greatly enhance your learning experience and increase your chances of success in the industry.


By carefully considering the duration and structure of the apprenticeship, you can ensure that you are making a commitment that aligns with your goals and provides you with the necessary tools for a successful career in driving.


The Application Process for Driving Apprenticeships

Driving apprenticeships offer individuals the opportunity to gain valuable experience and training in the field of driving. Whether you aspire to become a professional truck driver, bus driver, or chauffeur, these apprenticeships can provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your chosen career path. However, before you can embark on this exciting journey, it is important to understand the application process and what it entails.


Eligibility Requirements

Before applying for a driving apprenticeship, familiarise yourself with the eligibility requirements. Most programs have age restrictions and may require a minimum level of education or a valid driver's license. These requirements ensure that candidates have the necessary foundation to succeed in the program and ultimately in their driving careers.


Make sure you meet the specified criteria before submitting your application.

In addition to age and education requirements, some driving apprenticeships may also have physical fitness criteria. This is because driving can be physically demanding, and it is important for apprentices to be in good health to handle the rigours of the job. Therefore, it is advisable to assess your own physical fitness and make any necessary preparations before applying.


Application Materials and Deadlines

Gather all the necessary application materials, which typically include a completed application form, copies of relevant identification documents, and any additional requirements outlined by the program. It is crucial to carefully review the application instructions to ensure that you provide all the necessary documents and information.

Pay close attention to application deadlines and submit your materials in advance to ensure you are considered for the desired intake.


Many driving apprenticeships have limited spots available, and submitting your application early increases your chances of securing a place in the program. Additionally, submitting your application well before the deadline allows you to address any potential issues or missing documents in a timely manner.


Preparing for Interviews

As part of the selection process, driving apprenticeship programs often conduct interviews to assess candidates' suitability for the program. These interviews provide an opportunity for the program administrators to learn more about you, your motivations, and your commitment to the driving profession.


Prepare for these interviews by researching the program and its specific requirements. Familiarise yourself with the driving industry as a whole, including current trends, challenges, and opportunities. This knowledge will not only demonstrate your dedication to the field but also enable you to engage in meaningful conversations during the interview.


During the interview, be ready to articulate your motivations, goals, and commitment to the profession. Highlight any relevant experiences or skills that make you a strong candidate for the driving apprenticeship. Additionally, be prepared to answer questions about your ability to work in a team, handle stressful situations, and adapt to changing circumstances – all crucial skills for a successful driving career.


By understanding the various types of driving apprenticeships available, considering key factors when choosing a program, and navigating the application process effectively, you can embark on a driving apprenticeship that aligns with your goals and sets you on the path to a successful driving career. Take the time to explore the options available, ask questions, and make an informed decision. Your driving apprenticeship could very well be the first step towards achieving your professional aspirations.


Remember, the application process is just the beginning of your journey. Once you are accepted into a driving apprenticeship program, you will have the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals, gain hands-on experience, and develop the skills necessary to excel in the driving industry. Embrace this opportunity and make the most of it. Your hard work and dedication during the apprenticeship will lay the foundation for a rewarding and fulfilling career as a driver.

Frequently Asked Questions About Driving Apprenticeships

How much do Driving Apprenticeships pay?

The pay for Driving Apprenticeships in the UK can vary based on factors such as the type of apprenticeship, the employer, and the region. Generally, apprentices in the UK are entitled to the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for apprentices, which is a lower rate than the standard NMW. As of April 2023, the NMW for apprentices under the age of 19 or in their first year of apprenticeship is £5.28 per hour.


However, if you're over 19 and have completed your first year of apprenticeship, you should be paid the standard NMW rate for your age group.

How can I become a Driving apprentice?

Simply register as an apprentice by creating a profile and uploading your cv, if you don't have a cv use the free tool to create one. Once you have done this the next step is to find Driving apprenticeships and apply.

Is there an age requirement for Driving apprenticeships?

Yes, there is no specific age requirement for participating in driving apprenticeships in the UK. However, eligibility criteria may vary depending on the specific program and provider. Most driving apprenticeships typically require candidates to be at least 17 years old and hold a valid provisional driving license.


Some apprenticeship schemes may have their own age restrictions or preferences, so it's important to review the requirements of the specific program you're interested in. Keep in mind that apprenticeships might also have other prerequisites such as educational qualifications and health standards that applicants need to meet. It's recommended to thoroughly research the apprenticeship opportunities available and check with the relevant providers for the most accurate and up-to-date information on eligibility criteria.

What will I learn during my Driving Apprenticeship?

During your Driving Apprenticeship in the UK, you will gain comprehensive training and practical experience to become a skilled and responsible driver. The apprenticeship program covers a range of essential skills and knowledge to ensure your safety and competence on the road. Here's a summary of what you can expect to learn:


  1. Driving Techniques: You will learn how to operate a vehicle safely, including starting, stopping, steering, and manoeuvring. This involves mastering skills like parallel parking, three-point turns, and navigating different types of roads.

  2. Traffic Rules and Regulations: Understanding the Highway Code, road signs, and traffic laws is crucial. You will be educated on right-of-way, speed limits, lane discipline, and other rules to ensure lawful and responsible driving.

  3. Road Safety: Safety is a top priority. You'll be taught defensive driving techniques, hazard perception, and how to anticipate and respond to potential dangers on the road.

  4. Vehicle Maintenance: Basic vehicle maintenance skills are essential. You'll learn how to check fluid levels, tire pressure, lights, and carry out routine inspections to keep the vehicle in good condition.

  5. Emergency Procedures: Knowing how to handle emergencies such as breakdowns, accidents, and adverse weather conditions is vital. You'll receive guidance on what to do to ensure your safety and that of others.

  6. Navigation and Route Planning: Learning how to use GPS systems, read maps, and plan routes effectively will help you navigate confidently and reach your destinations efficiently.

  7. Eco-Friendly Driving: Modern driving includes being environmentally conscious. You'll learn techniques to reduce fuel consumption, minimise emissions, and contribute to a more sustainable driving experience.

  8. Customer Service Skills: If the apprenticeship involves professional driving (e.g., for delivery services), you might also receive training in customer interaction, communication, and problem-solving.

  9. Practical Driving Experience: Throughout your apprenticeship, you'll accumulate supervised driving hours to practice and hone your skills. This hands-on experience is crucial for building confidence and expertise.

  10. Theory and Written Tests: To ensure your understanding of road rules, safety, and driving concepts, you'll likely have to take theory and written tests as part of the apprenticeship.

  11. Progress Assessments: Regular assessments will track your progress and help identify areas that need improvement, ensuring you're meeting the required standards.


Remember that the specific content and duration of your driving apprenticeship may vary based on the program and the type of driving you're preparing for (e.g., private car, commercial vehicle). By the end of your apprenticeship, you should be well-equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to drive safely, responsibly, and confidently on the roads of the UK.

What Driving Jobs are available?

The UK offers a wide range of driving job opportunities across various industries. Some common categories include delivery, transportation, and passenger services.


Delivery driving jobs involve transporting goods to customers. Examples include parcel delivery for companies like Amazon or DPD, grocery delivery for services like Tesco or Ocado, and food delivery for platforms like Uber Eats or Deliveroo.

Register as an apprentice.

Register to become an apprentice on the UK's leading website for apprenticeships.

By setting up an apprentice profile and creating an apprenticeship alert you'll be one step closer to becoming an Driving apprentice. 

Apprenticeship Levels Explained

Intermediate Apprenticeships

Intermediate Apprenticeships

Intermediate Apprenticeships are your entry level into the world of apprenticeships more commonly known as a Level 2 Apprenticeship. Level 2 apprenticeships offer an excellent route into further education post 16, as an alternative to staying on at school, whilst receiving on the job training and studying towards a nationally recognised qualification.

During your intermediate apprenticeship you will study part-time with a college or a training provider, 20% of your training, towards an NVQ Level 2 and knowledge based qualification such as a BTEC, together these qualifications are the equivalent to 5 GCSE's grades 9 - 4 (A* - C on the old grading system). You will also receive a Level 2 Functional Skills in Maths and English if you don't already have them.

An Intermediate Apprenticeship is great for learning work related skills as apposed to being given more responsibility. This level of training will make you work ready and train you in the hands on skills required to undertake the responsibility of the task and give you the employability skills you need to be successful.

Qualifying Criteria

There is no formal qualifying criteria for a Level 2 Intermediate Apprenticeship however some employers may ask for a minimum of 2 GCSE's to be able to join their apprenticeship programme.


Advanced Apprenticeships

Advanced Apprenticeships

Advanced Apprenticeships or commonly known as Level 3 Apprenticeships are the equivalent to doing 2 A-Levels and are the next level from an intermediate apprenticeship. Level 3 apprenticeships are great for you to start once you have completed your GCSE's and have attained the correct grades to be able to start at this level.

Starting at the advanced level even if you already have A-levels enables you to gain on the training, of which some employers prefer you to have before starting a Higher or Degree apprenticeship.

Just like an intermediate apprenticeship you will be required to spend at least 20% of your time studying with a college or training provider to be able to achieve the qualifications. On completion of you r apprenticeship you will achieve the equivalent of 2 A-Levels in the form of an NVQ Level 3 and a knowledge based qualifications such as a BTEC diploma.

Qualifying Criteria

To qualifying for a Level 3 advanced apprenticeship many employers ask for a minimum of 5 GCSE's which must include Maths and English, this is why an intermediate apprenticeships gives you these qualifications on completion. Although an advanced apprenticeships is the equivalent of 2 A-Levels some employers may add A-Levels as their requirement at this level also.

Find companies advertising advanced apprenticeship jobs on our website.

Higher Apprenticeships

Higher Apprenticeships

Higher Apprenticeships are your Levels 4 and 5 qualifications and enable you to study towards a HNC or HND respectively whilst at Level 5 you can also attain a foundation degree which is great if you want to continue in your studies towards a bachelors degree.

During your higher apprenticeship training you will be required to studying part-time with a training provider, college or university which along with your on the job training will enable you to train towards a Level 4 or 5 NVQ and BTEC diploma along with their respective HNC or HND qualification. Higher apprenticeships can take up to four years to complete.

As a higher apprentice you will be given a lot more responsibility which may include managing people or teams or even responsible for managing projects. You will be supported by your employer along side your mentors and tutors making sure to advise and guide you along the way during your apprenticeship programme.

Qualifying Criteria

To qualifying for a higher apprenticeship you will need to have achieved and completed at least a Level 3 Apprenticeship or have 5 GCSE's grades 9-4 which must include Maths and English and 2 A-Levels.

Find companies advertising higher apprenticeship jobs on our website.

Degree Apprenticeships

Degree Apprenticeships

Degree apprenticeships were introduced in September 2015 and have been receive with open arms both by employers and apprentices alike. Also known as Level 6 or 7 apprenticeships the degree level apprenticeship enables you to study towards a Bachelors or Masters degree.

You can start a degree apprenticeships straight after your advanced apprenticeship level or alternatively if you want to gain more on the job training before the Level 6 programme you can overlap from a higher apprenticeship programme. Many employers are now partnering with leading universities across the country to offer degree level apprenticeships to help advance your learning opportunities.

Just like studying at university a degree level apprenticeship takes between 3 to 6 years to complete you will achieve this by on the job training with your employer and training provider and then part-time study at the designated university for your apprenticeship course.

Qualifying Criteria

To qualifying for a degree apprenticeship you will need to have at least Level 3 qualifications of 2 A-Levels, NVQ and BTEC or have completely the advanced apprenticeship. Level 6 and 7 are also a natural progression from a higher apprenticeship.

Find companies advertising degree apprenticeship jobs on our website.

What is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships are a form of further education which offers on the job training for you to gain a nationally recognised qualification whilst studying part-time with an apprenticeship training provider, college or university through workshops or classroom training.

Apprenticeship training has to be delivered by a registered apprenticeship training provider which can also be an employer-provider, where the employer you are training through are on the register of training providers to be able to deliver their own training requirements. If an employer acts as an employer-provider they will usually employ a number of people such as Apprenticeship Assessors, Mentors and Managers to support you through your apprenticeship programme.

During your apprenticeship you will receive a salary and all the other benefits permanent employees receive. An apprenticeship job is only for a specified time as stipulated at the beginning of your apprenticeship training which can last anything from 12 months to 5 years.

To find our more about apprenticeships please refer to our What is an Apprenticeship? guide.

Why should you start an apprenticeship?

If you are considering your post 16 options you probably wouldn't have considered an apprenticeship a few years ago and would be struggling or worrying what to do when you leave school. It is a legal requirement for you to now stay in some form of further education until the age of 18 and you now have three options A-Levels, College or an Apprenticeship.

You can start an apprenticeship at the age of 16 through the Intermediate or Advanced level apprenticeship programmes across many industry sectors from Construction, Technology or even Marketing. There are no entry requirements for the intermediate apprenticeship, however you will need at least 5 GCSE's at grade 4 (previously C grade) or above to qualify for the advanced apprenticeship. On completion of the intermediate you will gain the qualifying criteria for a level 3.

The best reason for starting an apprenticeship is on completion of each level you will receive a nationally recognised qualification from an NVQ all the way up to a degree level apprenticeship such as a Bachelors or Masters.


How can you become an apprentice?

There are a number of ways to become an apprentice so we thought we would list them for you:

  • Register with websites like ourselves, there are others available.
  • Apprenticeship Job Fairs are great for meeting employers and training providers.
  • Contact training providers in your area, a simple Google search "Training providers near me" will give you the information you need.
  • Contact your local colleges or universities or visit their websites to see if they offer apprenticeship training.
  • UCAS promote apprenticeship opportunities on their website on behalf of employers.

and finally......

  • Do some research on apprenticeships and find a topic or industry that you would like to start an apprenticeship in and then research local companies in those sectors and visit their websites to see if they offer apprenticeship training and apply directly with them.



Driving Apprenticeships